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Strategies and Solutions

Interpretation of analytical outcomes allows the team to develop implementable strategies and solutions to ensure a realistic plan going forward.

The interpretation of analytical outcomes allows the team to develop implementable strategies in which space needs can be met through reallocation of space, renovation, or new construction. To ensure a realistic plan forward, we engage clients in a collaborative process to identify and address adjacencies and deficits. 

Establishing Metrics and Standards

Space metrics and standards provide institutions with ways to calculate the amount of required space to conduct activities. These are based upon how people live, work, and learn as part of the campus community.


Programming interprets conversations around pedagogy, delivery, and the lived experience into quantifiable solutions. The exercise measures space needs, outlines opportunities for sharing, and allows scheduled and occupied spaces to be overlaid with impromptu space for connections. In addition, it quantifies and envisions adjacencies and critical relationships.

Space Migration and Reallocation

Space migration and reallocation identifies opportunities to realign specific programs or functions in support of a cohesive plan to best use space resources that reinforce strategic goals, vision, and mission.

Priority of Needs

The use of a scoring system to rank campus space facilitates transparent decision-making, incorporating objective and quantifiable measures with those that are more subjective and qualitative. Objective measures include space shortages, utilization, functional quality, growth, and research productivity.

Decision Making

Subjective measures include impacts of new construction, direct strategic initiatives, and targeted growth areas. The scoring system illustrates the academic and administrative programs with the greatest space needs and helps prioritize needs on campus.
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It is important to align institutional priorities with budget and phasing to ensure that work can be implemented. Implementation plans allow institutions to tackle both large and small projects to accomplish near-term priorities but also give momentum for future projects. A well thought out strategy can create culture change to fulfill their missions in a forward-looking way.  

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