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Master Plan 2023

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Master Plan provides a vision for the dynamic physical transformation of the institution’s three campuses. The plan was informed by the University’s three-fold mission and strategic vision. Its goals include providing high quality educational opportunities for learners at all stages; creating a more just and sustainable world through research, scholarship, and creative work; and supporting local, state, and national communities through the University’s land-grant mission.
Intended to guide investments in the University’s built environment for the next decade, the plan includes recommendations that are coordinated with requirements set by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC), which oversees higher education activities within the state.

After a rigorous engagement process with a large cross-section of stakeholders, the planning team developed five distinct planning principles to inform the vision for the physical campus and align with University goals.
The principles include:
- Connectivity: Support the land-grant mission by providing strong internal and external campus connections.
- Volunteer Experience: Create a welcoming, vibrant and mixed-use campus setting.
- Interdisciplinarity and Research: Create interdisciplinary communities supported by core facilities that catalyze innovation and leverage partnerships.
- Sustainability and Natural Systems: Prioritize resource conservation and environmental practices that promote an equitable campus and mitigate the social impacts of climate change.
- Growth: Support growth to fulfill the UT Knoxville mission and vision and transform the campus.