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uCity Square Master Plan

An under-utilized, under-developed site sat on prime real estate in the middle of major institutions in Philadelphia. Surrounded by Drexel University, University of Pennsylvania, Hahnemann University Hospital, and a mixed-use development named Science Center, Ayers Saint Gross created a master plan for the development of a mixed-use, vibrant, and active community center to connect these disparate pieces. At full build-out, the site consists of 2.5 million square feet of retail, office, and residential wrapped-around parking.
The retail consists of a 50,000 square foot grocery store, which is a much-needed addition to this food desert community. A K-8 school is also planned to be adjacent to Drexel University’s new School of Education to encourage a symbiotic relationship. Community engagement was a large part of this project, which featured many stakeholders including the two universities, hospital, and mixed-use development. The result is a pedestrian-focused plan with realistic phased implementation strategies.