MBE Commitment.

For the Pimlico Racing and Laurel Park Racing Facilities, our team has committed the resources to meet the 33% MBE goal by partnering with Maryland Business Enterprises to enhance our project while supporting the economy in the State of Maryland.

In addition, we are exceeding the MBE sub-goals in the categories for Women-Owned (10%) and African-American Owned (7%).

Pimlico Racing and Laurel Park Racing Facilities

Overall Estimated Percentage of MBE Firm Contract Dollars Committed


Our team enthusiastically supports the State of Maryland’s MBE program to promote and encourage small and minority businesses within our home state. Within the last five years, we have consistently met or significantly exceeded the typical percent sub-contracting goal for projects while contracted with state agencies and institutions. The following projects tell of our firm’s success in fulfilling the goals and mission of this important program.